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Proposed Amendment to Employees Act 1986: A Controversial Move

Proposed Amendment to Employees Act 1986: A Controversial Move

Proposed Amendment to Employees Act 1986: A Controversial Move
Proposed Amendment to Employees Act 1986: A Controversial Move


The Government of Pakistan has proposed an amendment to the Employees Act 1986, which aims to retain employees aged between 35 and 50 years during the relocation of institutions. While the intention behind this amendment is to balance the workforce and provide financial support to dismissed employees, it has raised concerns about age discrimination and its potential impact on employees’ careers and livelihoods.

Key Points of the Proposed Amendment

  • Age Criterion: Only employees aged between 35 and 50 years will be retained during the relocation of institutions.
  • Severance Package: Employees younger than 35 or older than 50 will be retired with a golden handshake, receiving a severance package as compensation for their dismissal.
  • Rationale: The government aims to balance the workforce by retaining experienced employees within a specific age range, while providing financial support to those who are dismissed.

Potential Implications of the Amendment

  • Age Discrimination: The proposed amendment could be seen as discriminatory against employees who are younger than 35 or older than 50, as they would be forced to retire regardless of their performance or qualifications.
  • Impact on Careers: Forcing employees to retire early could negatively impact their careers and future earning potential.
  • Financial Hardship: While the severance package may provide some financial relief, it may not be sufficient to cover the loss of income for retired employees.


  • When will the amendment come into effect?
    • The exact timeline for the implementation of the amendment is not yet clear.
  • Can employees challenge the amendment in court?
    • It is possible for employees to challenge the amendment in court if they believe it is discriminatory or violates their rights.
  • What are the alternatives to the proposed amendment?
    • The government could consider alternative measures to balance the workforce, such as voluntary retirement schemes or job retraining programs.


The proposed amendment to the Employees Act 1986 is a controversial measure that raises concerns about age discrimination and its potential impact on employees’ careers and livelihoods. While the government’s intention may be to balance the workforce and provide financial support to dismissed employees, it is important to carefully consider the potential negative consequences of this policy. It is crucial to have a thorough discussion and debate on this issue to ensure that any changes to the law are fair, equitable, and in the best interests of all employees.

Majid Farooq

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